Itison Voucher for Atlantic Bar & Brasserie

This article is to show you an Itison Voucher for Atlantic Bar & Brasserie in Glasgow, which consists of a 4 course meal and a cocktail each for 2 people.

Heart of Glasgow

The Atlantic Bar & Brasserie is located in Glasgow, on St Vincent Street, just along from George Square. This is a great location, as you can get to the restaurant from multiple directions such as, Glasgow Central train station, Glasgow Queen Street train station or Buchanan bus station. There are options of car parks nearby for if you wish to drive.

Atlantic Bar & Brasserie

Atlantic Bar & Brasserie

The entrance to Atlantic Bar & Brasserie goes downstairs from St Vincent Street which has a nice area to sit if you want to sit outside. The restaurant inside is lovely and spacious. We were first to enter the restaurant and were seated next to the entrance. Our section had a comfy seat against the window and a chair opposite. The Atlantic Bar & Brasserie restaurant shares the same building as Anchor Line restaurant and both restaurants can be accessed from either restaurant.

Voucher Deal Breakdown

Atlantic Bar & Brasserie Itison Voucher
Atlantic Bar & Brasserie deal menu

This voucher was a birthday gift (thank you to my brother, sister and their families).

The voucher deal for £49 includes a 4 course meal and a cocktail each for 2 people. The 4 courses meal broken down, consists of:

  • Amuse Bouche (chefs choice)
  • Starter
  • Main Course
  • Dessert
  • Cocktail

Amuse Bouche

The Amuse Bouche, which is like a homemade cracker topped with salmon and red onion. This is not something we have ever had before, but it somewhat delicious and we would try it again.


From the starter menu: I got La Terrine, which is a terrine with red onion and mustard marmalade, which if I’m honest sounds weird and wrong, but after tasting it, it worked and it was nice and tasty. My wife got the Le Moules which was Shetland Mussels in a wine, garlic and creamy sauce accompanied with lemon and garlic bread, which if you like mussels, can never go wrong with this dish. All in all, great starters that were delicious.

Main Course

From the main course: I got La Poitrine, which is a smoked honey glazed pork belly, black pudding stuffed inside a creamy mash and smoked pancetta and a rich onion gravy. Wow, is what I would say! I have never had black pudding stuffed in anything and it worked massively and the gravy added extra flavours. This is a must try. My wife got the Le Demi Poulet which is a half chicken smoked with paprika and thyme, with goose fat potatoes and honey roasted veg. Everyone loves chicken, which makes this dish sound amazing and it did taste amazing. Both main dishes are well worth a try.


The desserts which are chosen by the chef, consists of 3 options (to share):

  • A chocolate type crème brulee
  • Shortbread
  • A part lemon and lime soufflé

The shortbread was tasty (as shortbread always does) and the chocolate crème brulee I loved, but my wife isn’t a big chocolate fan, although she did like it better than the soufflé. As for the soufflé, it wasn’t great.

The bottom of the soufflé still confuses me as we couldn’t exactly tell what it was or meant to be. We did think that it tasted like it had sat out for a long time. The lemon and lime part wasn’t completely bad but the combination of it all is what let it down.

To sum up, only 2 of the 3 desserts where lovely.


We both decided to go with the passion fruit daquiri, which surprised me as I’m not a fan of passion fruit drinks but we both thought it was delicious.

The Food and Drink

Worth it or not worth it?

The Itison voucher for £49, which without the deal would be £90 and is a 4 course meal plus a cocktail each for 2 people. The menu provides plenty of options to choose from and even with the desserts there is still something to enjoy.

All in all, I would say this is a bargain and well worth a try.

You will not be disappointed and you will be very well fed.

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